How do I export MP3 and MP2 files from Peak 6?

To enable MP3 and MP2 export from Peak, you will need to install the "LameLib" MP3 encoder and the "twolame" MP2 encoder.

Please follow these steps to install the downloadable MP3 and MP2 encoders:

  1. Download the MP3/MP2 encoders here
  2. Quit the Peak 6 application if it is running
  3. Hold down the Control key andClick (or "right" click) on the Peak application icon — this is located in the Applications folder on your Mac.
  4. Select "Show Package Contents" from the list within the pop-up menu

  5. Open the "PlugIns" folder
  6. Drag the "LameLib.bundle" and "twolame.bundle" into the "Plug Ins" folder

  7. Close window and launch Peak 6 — MP3 and MP2 should both be available in the save as dialog within Peak 6

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